About Us
We are a small, well-established preschool (we have been here for over 50 years!) in Houston, Texas. We have experienced, degree-holding teachers in every classroom, and our educational program is developmentally appropriate at every level. Our children are taught using a variety of methods including group discussions, nature study, hands-on activities, music and books.
Social Interaction
We encourage social growth at our school when children interact with other children, fostering cooperation, sharing, taking turns, patience and other social graces. Additionally, good manners, thoughtfulness, and kindness are stressed.
Activities for Growth
Physical growth occurs naturally and is accompanied by a variety of activities at our school. We have an attractive playground filled with riding, sliding, digging and rocking toys to encourage muscle development. Our indoor activities include cutting, painting, play dough and drawing to help small muscle development. A monthly special program works with crossing the mid-line and more gross motor skills.
We are supported by Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Chapel takes place weekly, and children hear Bible stories told on their level and experience them in new ways as they act out some of the stories. Special chapels at Thanksgiving and Christmas teach the children about sharing and generosity. The emphasis is on how much God loves them and that there is nothing that they can do that will keep God from loving them.